Let me introduce you to Mark Roundum. Or should I say, WAS Mark Roundum.
The millionaire was dead. So who did it?
Dusty Ragg?
Rusty Crankshaft?
Leah Tard?
Paul Emmount?
Penny Cillin?
Bernie Down?
Justin Port?
Kat Walker?
Guy Nicologist?
Or Eileen Over?
The event took 3 1/2 hours to solve.
So who did it? The big reveal.
Yes, yes it was.
This was a smashing success. 3 1/2 hours of investigation interspersed with several courses of food and games = a great time. Everyone did an outstanding job being in character and playing it up. Having one or two, or fifteen drinks seemed to help a lot! After the murder was solved we played this awesome charades game, acting out two things at once (such as- getting your fingers stuck in a bowling ball while jumping on a broken trampoline)...so0000 that was fun!
Best part? Knowing I get to sleep in while my kids are at my mom's for the night! Priceless.
Wow!!! You should have gotten this all on video, lol. Sounds like so much fun :)
I feel honored to have such a cool friend...
LOVE IT! Looks like so much fun and great pics! What a fantastic idea ;)
PS I bet you and brett had fun in those costumes while the kids were away ;)
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