Sunday, March 18, 2012

Good Day

I love when I have a good day. Sun shining, windows down, visiting family. Just me and my girl. Yup, I was having one of those days. We were leaving Harrisburg after celebrating my Grandmother's 78th birthday. At Olive Garden, woo hoo! Moscato much?!? It would have been a good day, could have been a good day, but....

My face looked like this as a car rear ended my new Pathfinder. At a red light. Not good. You know, your heart pounds, blood feel all nervous and flustered, like What Just Happened? You would think I would feel better knowing my brother Jonathan, was driving in front of me. He could help me and his little niece out. Nope. His response, Good Luck With That and he kept driving home.

Now here is my Pathfinder after the horrific accident. (Horrific in my head anyway) The man hit my hitch and his front bumper was crushed. My Pathfinder, oh how I love thee, had really no damage. To the naked eye anyway. Scuffed up my paint job on the hitch.
Here is a closer, dirty, look for you. See? See the scuff marks on my hitch? See the little crack to the right of the bumper towards the bottom? No? Look harder. It's there. He barely hit me, but I am still worried something is messed up that I can't see. I'll find out soon enough. No one was hurt. That's what's important right? That is what I am suppose to say right? Still a pain in the a-s-s.
So I make my way home. Only twenty minutes later to make this face on the side of the turnpike as I see those red and blue lights. (side, what are those lines called in the middle of your eyes?? I should stop making that face)
If only I had a picture of my tear stained face as I explained to the nice officer that I was just rear ended and flustered, and the man wouldn't even give me his insurance info and blah blah blah. Still got a speeding ticket. But he felt bad for me. Said he had to give me a ticket as he already marked it as a violation pull over. He left any points off and gave me the cheapest ticket possible. Thank you. Very much. Sniff sniff. Not such a good day.

Maybe if Jonathan had stopped with me. He would have forced the man to give me his insurance info. Maybe if Jonathan had stopped I wouldn't have been so flustered and nervous and therefore speeding. Maybe if Jonathan had stopped I wouldn't have gotten the speeding ticket. Let's blame it all on Jonathan. Makes me feel better.

Maybe today will be a better day than yesterday. All I need is some chocolate and sunshine (and some non whining kids) and I'll be fine. Yes, it's already looking like a better day.

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