5 Cranberry Circle- 2005-2012 |
Where I slept the past 7 years. It was just Brett and I. Then Sadie crawled into our bed in this room, Then Bryer crawled into our bed in this room. |
I logged a ton of hours in this nursery. I'll never forget...the formula stains, the gallon of brown paint I spilled on the carpet, the way the street looks lit up a night through that window while rocking a sleeping babe, the sound of cries coming from this room (over and over), the excitement of having my first baby in this room, the excitement of moving my first baby out of this room, putting my son in this room. This, this was a special room. |
Sadie's big girl room. |
Our front room that we never used. |
And this view. The top of our steps. I remember sitting here when Brett and I snuck into our house while it was being built. Only wood planks for the floor and steps. No railing yet. And I sat right here. Looking into the two empty rooms we would have. Smiling and so so happy, knowing that my kids would be in these two rooms. Kids I could only imagine would be here. In this house. In these rooms. There was so much excitement for this house. It more than met our expectations. |
I'm in mourning. Too much thought about my home makes me tear up. Brett and I did a walk through after the movers took all of our stuff out, we cried and smiled at our wonderful memories in this home. It's funny how much you become attached to something. You dont' even know it.
So much time and work we put into our home. Finishing the basement. Completing it ourselves. Knowing it was our sweat and blood..and tears down there. All the landscaping we picked, planted, and watched grow. We have to give it all away.
My heart breaks everything I see or think about my home. Home. The only home my kids have known. The home I brought my babies into. The hardest part is knowing all my memories of my babies are forever linked to this house. In our new home (God willing) there will be no more babies. I only have 5 Cranberry Circle to remember all the good and bad times of new motherhood and crying infants.
I keep holding onto all of the many many many many many....many great memories to come in my new home. Hoping and praying this next house exceeds all the memories that this first house did. That God blesses us there as a family.
1 comment:
We are excited for you guys as you are about to enter into a new home and new location in you lives! Great pictures from moving out and selling you house. I hope when and if we ever sell that it is just as quick as it was for you!
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