Sadie Bean and Bryer Pants spent the weekend at my mother-in-laws. Let me tell you, when the kids are away, the parents will play! Dinner out alone, movies, a long car ride without kids in tow, a mud run, an ice cream run...all without kids is like Heaven on Earth. It's so freakin nice not having anyone to take care of but myself for 24 hours (except for the obvious other person :)
My kiddos had a blast without us though! They slept at there grandmother's house which was complete excitement for them! They did great too. Bryer only waking once at night and even though they still got up before the sun, they went downstairs to play and let Mom Mom sleep a couple more minutes. What did her downstairs look like after they were playing unattended?? Your guess is probably right.
Mom Mom took them to the Elmwood Zoo (by herself), then over to Monkey Joe's (by herself), then out to Apple Bee's (not by herself). All of this running on low energy after waking before the sun. I think my mother-in-law may have had a shot of adrenaline to keep her going. That or a shot of tequila.
recent sibling photo. nothing important to document. |
no pictures of their weekend away. this will have to do. |
BUT...Brett and I had a great time away from our responsibilities. I completed my second mud run. Completed. Not like it's that hard to complete :) Jer, Jacqui and her husband ran with me while the awesome Sir Brett took pics. Kinda disappointing as he wasn't' allowed to shoot most of the run and when he was, he had to stay far back. So no cool up close photos, but good enough to remember the day! So here is our day in pics.
shoe donations. donate your shoes after you run. |
waiting to run. |
where are we suppose to go. |
oh, over that way. |
supporting St. Judes. warrior dash. |
attempt #1 at jump photo. |
attempt #2. |
single jump shots take over. gotta think of a better jump. |
still waiting to run. should have been stretching more. |
still not stretching. |
me in the purple coming down the wall. other side of wall was flat and you had to pull yourself up with a rope. yup. did that. |
running it out. |
it was so easy. |
didn't walk at all. |
jer kept up with me the whole time. cough, cough. or maybe it was vise versa. |
the Pope beat us. |
crossing the water ledge thingy. |
we had to leave Jacqui and Daniel in the dust. |
me at the top of the net in purple. Jer right below me in the white.
after jumping the burning logs. Jacqui in the mud. Daniel coming out of mud. |
medal shot. |
best warrior beard contest. Jacqui and I screamed so loud the man said "wow, some girls out there like Jeremiah"
yup. sister love. he didnt' win. |
Brett had a rough day taking pictures. |
turkey leg goodness. |
green man was ridiculous. thank goodness for pink cover ups. |
Till next year.
I was laughing at your post as you do the best pictures and narration! You really do have a gift. I'm glad it was a great time and you and Jer got to stick together. And better yet, I'm glad you had a good time away w/o kids ;)
I was laughing at your post as you do the best pictures and narration! You really do have a gift. I'm glad it was a great time and you and Jer got to stick together. And better yet, I'm glad you had a good time away w/o kids ;)
This was awesome! I'm seriously impressed that you made it through. I never could have. I would have protested at the burning logs.
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