Bryer was born just two short years ago. He sleeps in a big bed now. Not the easiest transition...thanking my lucky stars for door gates. He has many late night sessions of talking and playing in his room when he should be fast asleep. He has learned to redecorate his room by clearing out his dresser. But we are gone of all our baby stuff and it feels good! So good!
Hello 2, good to meet you.
Sadie's cousin had a bowling party and let's just say, bowling may be a new favorite family activity. Well, not really, but Sadie loved it. Can you tell? I couldn't even get a clear picture of her with all her jumping and screaming every time she got just ONE pin down.
Both kids loved bowling. First time for them. Good fun. Except for chasing Bryer all over the Bowling Palace. Kid can't sit still. Ever. Little boys have ants in their pants.
We also had play time in the rain. Not as fun as I thought it would be. Maybe some hot rain is in order. Of course, the kids love it.
A lot of firsts this spring. First time to the Hands on House. So no, this is not a Halloween picture. This is the aftermath of their favorite activity. Favorite activity: face painting themselves. They must have spent a half hour painting away. I think Bryer did a great job if I do say so myself!
So we had a mummy (Bryer) and a clown (Sadie). Such creative kids.
They liked playing in the store at the the Hands on House. And getting the mail. For never having been there before, this was a neat experience. A great way to spend the day. Not to mention these little angels also went to the playground, Chuck E Cheese and out to dinner. And one of their favorite people was there too, Mom Mom. You thought I was going to say Mom...sigh, nope.
Correction. The most important update would not be Bryer turning two. Sadie accepted Christ as her savior. That was big. Unexpected. It was on Mom Mom's birthday too. Right around Easter. She heard the story of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection at church and was entranced with it. She told me on the way home from preschool one day, where she was also hearing about Christ, about how Jesus rose from the grave. Insert her huge excitement and arm gestures. She told me how she believes in Jesus and is going to Heaven. I just kind of listened to her and shrugged it off. I don't really think little kids can understand what's happening at that age and truly believe. I mean, we tell them about Santa and they believe in that. Until I said a little prayer in my head asking God if this was really it? You know how he answered? Through Sadie. As she informs me again about what she believes. She says, "Mom!" and repeats how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again and is in Heaven and how she will be there one day with him. So then I get it. And we say a little prayer in the car. This is a picture of her as soon as we got home. The day she believed, at four and half years old, on Mom Mom's birthday.

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