Friday, May 25, 2012

The Graduate

Sadie's class going on stage. She anxiously awaits.
She's all into singing the songs!

Getting her diploma. Not that you would know it from this awesome shot.
I was one of those mom's who moved to the isle, had a camera in one hand and my phone is the other video taping, and yelling when my daughter got her diploma. I'm that proud.
Sitting after their songs were done. Next to Sadie: Breckin. Her future husband, so she says. And another great shot by yours truly.
She sang when the other classes were preforming and clapped for everyone getting their diploma. Dont' know where this girl gets her manners. Ah hummmm.....

Now on to Kindergarten!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Sadie :) She looks so pretty with her hair curled and that beautiful white dress!! Look forward to seeing you all next weekend!